Member State Trainings

Memberstate Trainings

The Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries has several Training programs aimed to encourage the harmonization of Halal Standards used in the OIC and internationally by aiding in the adoption and use of the OIC/SMIIC Halal Standards.

Training programs that give the necessary foundation knowledge of the related OIC/SMIIC standards are as follows;

  • OIC/SMIIC 1:2019 Requirements and Implementation

  • OIC/SMIIC 2:2019 Requirements and Implementation

  • OIC/SMIIC 3:2019 Requirements

  • OIC/SMIIC 4:2018 Requirements and Implementation

  • OIC/SMIIC 6:2019 Requirements and Implementation

  • OIC/SMIIC 9:2019 Requirements and Implementation

  • OIC/SMIIC 1:2019 Auditor / Lead Auditor

  • OIC/SMIIC Standrads- Halal Technical Expert

  • OIC/SMIIC standrads - Islamic Affairs Expert

All these courses are available as classroom based training and in-house. Private in-house courses are a great option for organizations that have several staff members who need training.

For more information please contact us.