In a rapidly changing world, it is crucial for organizations to adapt to new technologies, environmental factors, resource availability, consumer preferences, and globalization in order to stay successful. They must have a clear vision and objectives to ensure growth and prosperity. With this in mind, the SMIIC Strategic Plan 2021-2030 has been developed through extensive efforts and studies involving all our Member States.

The SMIIC Strategic Plan serves as a roadmap for the next 10 years, effective from January 1, 2021. It provides a general framework for our future activities and will be supported by two-year implementation plans that outline the specific actions we will take to achieve our strategic goals and objectives. These plans will be adaptable to changing environments and global trends.

Our new vision is to create a quality infrastructure that improves economy, welfare and protects our Member States.

Our Mission is to develop quality infrastructure, by establishing uniformity in standardization, metrology and accreditation activities including conformity assessment and quality improvement to facilitate trade and support sustainable economic growth, consumer welfare, environment and innovation promotion for our Member States.

The SMIIC Strategic Plan is focusing on three key strategic goals that will give positive progress towards realizing our vision:

GOAL No.1: Develop high-quality standards that are used worldwide

GOAL No. 2: Support members’ needs and ensure effective engagement of their stakeholders

GOAL No.3: Support the enhancement of quality infrastructure and interconnectivity of members.

To realize our vision, our standards have to be developed with high quality and have to be widely accepted and used. We need to be sure that we are developing consensus-based and market-relevant standards that address the needs of the key actors in industry and the expectations of our Member States. We will focus our efforts to align SMIIC standards with the international standards in order to facilitate OIC intra trade and encourage the implementation of OIC/SMIIC standards.

To realize our vision, we must support our members to achieve their needs, especially in the involvement of stakeholders who are critical to the success of standardization work.

To realize our vision, we must support our members to enhance the quality infrastructure at the national level. Also, we need to improve communication and integration between them to consolidate ways of cooperation and exchange of technical expertise for the benefit of all parties.

To Achieve our strategic goals and in order to put them into practice, we have thirteen strategic objectives,

And we have twenty key performance indicators. We will focus our resources in achieving them and we will follow the progress by monitoring these KPIs over time.

Our Strategic plan will be executed through our two-year implementation plans that includes several strategic initiatives and projects matching Sustainable Development Goals, for improving Member States Quality Infrastructure, enhancing capacity building, supporting Least developed countries, facilitating OIC trade, ensuring gender equality, conducting joint and regional programs, improving OIC/SMIIC standards, and launching SMIIC academy. In addition to developing and sustaining SMIIC internal systems, including human resources, internal processes, technical infrastructure and financial system.

As we stepping into a new chapter of our institute, we are inviting all Member States to join us and be part of our new journey.