Welcome to SMIIC Academy!

At SMIIC Academy, we believe in cooperation among countries.

Our goal is to help OIC countries work together and support each other in areas where we have the expertise, such as standardization, accreditation, and metrology.

SMIIC Academy provides various learning opportunities to build the skills and knowledge of people in OIC member countries.

We encourage research and cooperation in areas such as halal and related fields.

We offer in-person trainings, online learning programs, Massive Open Online Courses, and technical webinars.

After completing a course, you may receive a digital badge as recognition of your achievements.

You might be wondering, why do we need SMIIC Academy? During the COVID-19 pandemic, we saw the importance of quality infrastructure, like standards and metrology, in protecting our health. We want to ensure that medical devices, personal protection equipment, and tests and measurements meet the highest standards. SMIIC Academy provides easy access to various courses, including certification, conformity assessment, metrology, laboratories, and quality, environment, health, and safety courses.

SMIIC Academy allows OIC member and non-member countries to share their experiences and concerns, fostering collaboration and specialization in national standardization bodies.

We will continue to meet the evolving needs of our participants and provide courses that address those needs.

Thank you for your attention. We look forward to having you as part of SMIIC Academy!