Today, we are introducing the SMIIC Metrology Council and explaining its role and importance in the SMIIC framework. SMIIC has created the Metrology Council to facilitate cooperation among national metrology authorities from Islamic countries. It consists of national metrology institutes from SMIIC member states.

Metrology is crucial for establishing standards, and SMIIC Metrology Council fosters collaboration among member states in various metrology activities and policies.

SMIIC Metrology Council engages in scientific, legal, and industrial metrology. Scientific metrology involves establishment of measurement units, unit systems, development of new measurement methods and standards, while legal metrology ensures fair trade with controlled measuring instruments. Industrial metrology applies measurement science to manufacturing and quality control.

SMIIC Metrology Council supports the development of quality infrastructure by establishing and promoting measurement standards. It also assists in implementing quality management systems and facilitates knowledge transfer and research within member countries.


SMIIC MC offers three membership categories: Full Member for national metrology authorities from SMIIC Member States, Observer for SMIIC Observers Member States, and Liaison Organization for groups active in metrology-related fields at national, regional, and international levels.

The Metrology Council comprises the following bodies: Metrology Council meeting, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretariat. The Chairman, elected from SMIIC Member States, coordinates the Metrology Council's work. The Chair and Vice-Chair are elected by Council members for a renewable three-year term, approved by the SMIIC Board of Directors. The national metrology institute nominating the Chairman also manages the Council's secretariat in coordination with the SMIIC General Secretariat.

Metrology Council operates according to its Terms of Reference, which outline its activities and responsibilities. It has its own website and follows a 3-year working plan which is under the management and coordination of the Metrology Council Chairmanship.

The plan focuses on training and capacity-building activities in scientific and legal metrology, halal activities, calibration, and proficiency testing. These programs enhance expertise and promote best practices in metrology. Representatives and experts from national metrology institutes participate in these training sessions.

Since 2021, the SMIIC Metrology Council has contacts trainings based on member requests and needs. These comprehensive programs enhance participants' knowledge and skills in all aspects of metrology.

Metrology Council holds annual meetings for members to discuss important matters. It also promotes research and development projects to advance metrology practices and innovation.

Our goal is accurate measurements, harmonized standards, and improved trade practices for member states.

Thank you for your attention.