In this presentation, we learn about the structure of SMIIC by explaining its organs and their scope of work.

This is the organizational chart of SMIIC which is structured similar to many other regional and international counterpart organizations. General Assembly is the top organ where all member states are present and all voices are heard.

Board of Directors is on the other hand as a policy making organ composed of 13 member states which are elected by the General Assembly.  Duties and powers of Board members are related to technical activities and administrative operations of the Institute as well as drawing general direction for the better implementation of its plans and programmes.

General Secretariat is responsible for the implementation of the programs plans and decisions of the SMIIC and it is headed by the Secretary General of the Institute who is elected by the General Assembly from among the candidates of Member States.

Secretary General submits annual reports to the General Assembly through the Board of Directors on the implementation of programs, plans and decisions of the SMIIC.

And these are three councils established for SMIIC’s three core activity areas which are standardization, metrology, and accreditation.

The first one is Standardization Management Council as the organ assigned the task of development of OIC/SMIIC standards in cooperation with Member States. SMC coordinates and oversees the performance of the Technical Committees and is chaired by one of the Vice-Chairmen of Board of Directors and its members are elected from Board of Directors.

The second one is the Metrology Council (MC) consisting of a chair and members from national metrology institutes of the Member States and Observers of SMIIC. MC makes cooperation in all types of metrology activities and policies among Member States.

The third council is Accreditation Council (AC) which consists a chair and members from national accreditation bodies authorized by Member States and Observers of SMIIC. AC is responsible for supporting actions for establishing a sound accreditation system OIC-wide and raise awareness of accreditation concept within the Member States.

Now let’s have a look at SMIIC organs a bit closer. General Assembly as the supreme decision-making organ is composed of all member states and observers of the SMIIC.

General Assembly meets at least once each year at the Headquarters of the Institute or at any other venue as it may be agreed by Member States. 

SMIIC Statute and Rules of Procedure are the main documents that General Assembly must follow and abide by.

General Assembly has many duties and powers; approval of the annual accounts, the budget and annual fees, election/appointment of Secretary General, Board of Directors members and External Auditor, approval of the amendments to the Statute and Rules of Procedure are among the main responsibilities of the General Assembly.

Board of Directors on the other hand is responsible for supervision of the execution of the programs, plans and activities of the Institute. The Board consists of 13 members including the host country as the permanent member as well as having a chairman and three vice-chairmen who are elected among its members.

The Board of the Directors which holds at least two meetings every year, is responsible before the General Assembly and operates in line with the Statute, Rules of Procedure and Terms of Reference of Board of Directors. 

Admission of new SMIIC members, overseeing the performance of all councils along with approval of their Terms of References, recommendation of the mission, vision and values of the Institute, monitoring the implementation of the Strategic Plan of the Institute, election of Chairman and Vice Chairmen of Board of Directors are among the main responsibilities of the Board of Directors which are listed in detail in SMIIC Statute.

SMIIC Accreditation Council is responsible for supporting actions for establishing a sound accreditation system OIC-wide and raise awareness of accreditation concept within the Member States.

SMIIC AC has a management structure where 12 members are represented by their authorized national accreditation bodies.

SMIIC Metrology Council is responsible for unifying metrology efforts by making the most efficient use of the existing potentialities in the Member States.

MC members are national metrology institute of SMIIC member states and observers.

SMIIC Standardization Management Council (SMC) is the organ which coordinates and monitors all activities related to standardization. Overseeing Technical Committees as the kitchen of standards development, performing standardization activities in the fields of product and service sector with special emphasis on Member States’ requirements are among the main responsibilities of the SMC.